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Volunteer Service

The State Hospital recognises the important and valuable contribution made by volunteers to enrich the quality of everyday life for patients. As a result, the Volunteer Service continues to develop to meet the needs of our patient population.

Within the State Hospital volunteers engage in a variety of roles: patient visits; supporting the work of the Spiritual & Pastoral Care Team, patient learning, patient activities, and the Person Centred Improvement Steering Group.

A number of new roles are being explored, creating the opportunity to complement existing services where there may be specific skill gaps i.e. teaching a foreign language / musical instrument. A role description is created which helps to match the skill set and personality of the volunteer to the identified need of individual patients.

Volunteers are represented through a number of forums including the Person Centred Improvement Steering Group, consultation groups and focus groups. The e-Volunteer Service Group is central to supporting and facilitating active consultation and engagement.  

The Volunteer Service Group meets in person four times a year to share experiences and identify opportunities for improvement.

The Hospital supports National Volunteers’  Week every June. This provides an opportunity to meet with patients, other volunteers and staff in an informal setting.

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